The Importance Of After Infestation Clean Out Services In Merrimac

Even after you have had pest control to rid your home of ants, spiders, cockroaches, rodents, or other insects, substances still remain.

ants crawling on kitchen floor

Whether you took matters into your own hands and used at-home pest control products or hired residential pest control professionals, cleaning your house after a pest spray is an essential yet overlooked step. This can be especially necessary if you have children and pets crawling all over your floors.

Other issues may include:

  • Lingering odors.
  • A film on surfaces like floors and countertops.
  • Dead rodents or piles of dead bugs.
  • Don't leave things to decay and contaminate your home. Instead, be sure to take the time to effectively rid your home of the mess left behind in the wake of an infestation.

So The Pests Are Gone, Now What?

After bringing in Freedom Pest Control, a quality pest control company for all your residential and commercial pest control needs, you might be wondering what to do next.

Did you have a standard preventive service or deal with pest infestations, like cockroaches or bed bugs? The latter might require a few extra clean-up steps depending on the bug and how bad the infestation is.

You might be wondering, "what are the best pest control services near me?" Look no further than Freedom Pest Control! We use environmentally sustainable solutions that you can feel confident about.

Even with our state-of-the-art Integrated Pest Management (IPM) methodology, you still might feel like you want to clean your house after our visit. To begin, dusting, sweeping, and vacuuming should be sufficient. It's best to avoid mopping or wiping surfaces like baseboards, kick plates, and other hard edges for several weeks. You won't necessarily strip the pest control treatment off these surfaces, but cleaning them could lessen the efficacy.

How Pest Infestations Can Leave Lasting Health Risks In Your Home

Rodent and pest infestations aren't just gross and unsettling; they are also a health hazard. These creatures can bite and bring all kinds of bacteria and other contaminants into your Merrimac home. Some pests, including cockroaches, can be especially detrimental for people suffering from asthma and allergies.

Rodents can also carry and spread Leptospirosis and Hantavirus through their droppings and urine. Leptospirosis can cause brain swelling, liver failure, and death. Hantavirus can cause respiratory problems, hemorrhagic fever, and possible death. The only way to keep your family safe from these terrible diseases is by keeping rodents out of your home.

When it comes to residential pest control, the most common way to eliminate pest infestations is by spraying pesticides. These sprays can be purchased quickly and are easy to apply. However, some of these at-home pest control products contain chemicals that can be toxic and harmful to the health of yourself, your family, and your pets.

You will likely come across many dead insects or rodents in the days following any pest operation. Regularly check your home's trouble spots and keep your home as clean as possible by getting rid of the dead pests immediately. Dead bugs and rodents can still attract other living pests, putting you back at square one.

It Can Be Ineffective And Dangerous To Try To Clean Up Pest-Mess

Cleaning or mopping immediately after a pest control visit can make the treatment less effective. It is advised to mop your floors right before your scheduled pest spray. The pesticide will adhere to a clean surface more successfully, hopefully keeping the pests from coming back for longer.

A few weeks after treatment, you are ready to clean your home. Wearing face masks and rubber gloves can protect you from any toxic chemicals that may still be lingering. Make sure you are changing the dirty water as you clean. If you use the same water the entire time you are cleaning, you are just spreading the chemicals and pesticides to your entire house.

The Solution To Effective Clean-Out Services In Your Home

Consider hiring a cleaning professional for your home, especially if you feel pesticides were over-applied or misused. Involving specialists, such as remediation experts or industrial hygienists, can lower the risk of a cleaning mishap and increase your chances of a successful pest infestation removal.

If you have a pest infestation and you find yourself asking, "what are the best pest control services near me?" then call the professionals at Freedom Pest Control. We use IPM, an environmentally sensitive approach to pest control in the least hazardous and most economical way to you, your family, pets, property, and the environment. Visit our website to get started on your pest-free home today!

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