Service Options:
For this service, we offer both singular services and recurring services. However, this pest is also included in our Gold Protection Membership Plan for a more cost-effective option.
What are Indian meal moths?
One of the most common pantry pests to invade kitchens in homes and businesses worldwide is the Indian meal moth. These pests received their descriptive name because they were feeding on corn meal from Indian corn when these insects were first discovered.
Knowing how to identify both the adults and their larvae is important to ensure that you can quickly identify an infestation and seek out the help necessary to eliminate them.
The color pattern on their wings best identifies adult Indian meal moths. The front half of the wing is brown or cream-colored, and the back half is a darker bronze color.
The Indian meal moth larva is about 1/2 inch long. They have a brown head with a worm-like body and a pinkish, yellowish, or greenish body. The larvae create a silken webbing on the surface of the food they consume, which also helps identify their presence.
Are Indian meal moths dangerous?
These pests are dangerous because of the amount of food contamination and waste they are capable of causing. Females lay their eggs on an appropriate food source, and then when the larvae (caterpillars) hatch from the eggs, they begin to feed on the food sources provided. The caterpillar stage is responsible for most of the damage caused by this pest.
These pests can feed on and contaminate various stored foods, including seeds, grains, dried fruit, nuts, candy, chocolate, pet food, birdseed, powdered milk, cereals, oats, and more.
Why do I have an Indian meal moth problem?
The unfortunate truth is that Indian meal moths can become a problem in any structure (home or business) that stores food. These moths can find their way inside through spaces they discover around windows or doors. Adult Indian meal moths have a short life span and do not consume food; their sole responsibility is reproduction. These pests aren’t moving indoors looking for food but rather a place to lay their eggs.
The more common way these pests become a problem in our homes is after being unknowingly introduced by us. An Indian meal moth infestation typically begins at a food processing or food storage facility. When you purchase products from the store already infested with their eggs or larva, you will introduce them into your home. Adults can also find their way into a grocery store on their own, where they will move into torn or ripped food packages or bulk bins to lay their eggs.
Where will I find Indian meal moths?
Some of the most common places to discover Indian meal moths include:
- Homes
- Grocery stores
- Restaurants
- Schools
- Pet stores
- Food processing plants
- Food storage facilities
In our homes, you will spot adult moths resting on walls or ceilings and the larva in the food sources provided for them. Kitchens, pantries, pet food storage containers, and other places where food is stored in a home are the most likely areas to be infested by these pests.
Where Will I Find Indian Meal Moths?
Ridding your New Hampshire or Massachusetts property of Indian meal moths is tricky. The best way to get rid of these pests currently living in your home and prevent future issues is to put a year-round pest control service into place. Trust Freedom Pest Control with all of your pest control needs! Through thorough inspection, accurate identification, and innovative and eco-friendly treatments, we eliminate pest problems. Get freedom from unwanted pests; give us a call today and learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services!
How Can I Prevent Indian Meal Moths in the Future?
It's important to keep pests like Indian meal moths away from your New England property. You can keep your pantry free of Indian meal moths by partnering with a professional and implementing the following prevention tips:
- When grocery shopping, make sure to inspect food packaging for tears or rips thoroughly.
- Remove dry goods from their original boxes and packaging and place them into hard-sided containers with airtight lids.
- Regularly inspect dry goods in your home for signs of Indian meal moths.
- Routinely inspect your home’s pantries and get rid of expired items.
- Keep your kitchen and pantry areas free of crumbs and spills.
- Make sure to place weather stripping around windows and doors and make certain screens are secure to help keep adults from finding a way into your home.
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