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Pest Control in Seabrook, NH
Owning a home in Seabrook forces you to deal with a variety of problematic pests. However, none of the pests around here are quite as dangerous as mosquitoes and ticks. Mosquitoes will infect their bite victims with all sorts of illnesses from West Nile virus to Zika virus, yellow fever, and more.
Ticks are well-known transmitters of dangerous diseases like Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease, both of which can lead to devastating long-term health effects and even death. That’s why Mosquito Busters provides high-quality care for local home and business owners in the Seabrook area.
We not only have the most experienced mosquito and tick experts in the area, but we also have the most effective prevention technology in the industry. Since we only focus on these two pests, you can rest assured that your home and/or business will be protected by the focused expertise that it takes to truly keep your property safe from invasive mosquitoes and ticks. Give us a call today to schedule your inspection with one of our mosquito and tick experts.
Our Pest Control Services in Seabrook
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Seabrook’s Guide To All-Natural Pest Control Products

When you own a home in Seabrook, you'll need to deal with a variety of pest problems. While dealing with them on your own can typically make matters worse, we understand that it can be hard to trust your home and family to a pest control company that is just trying to check you off of their list.
That’s why Mosquito Busters provides the most effective eco-friendly care in the area. With all-natural pest products, we can keep your home and family safe in a way that you can be proud of. We’re about taking care of pests without damaging the environment or putting your family and pets at risk. Check our website for our collection of eco-friendly products and innovative pest control methods. Give us a call today to schedule an inspection with one of our Mosquito Busters experts.
Do Seabrook’s Lonestar Ticks Carry Lyme Disease?

If you have Lonestar ticks on your property, they were probably brought there by invasive wildlife like rodents and deer. That’s why it can be very difficult to keep them off of your property, even if you don’t have pets. The good news is that Lonestar ticks do not carry Lyme disease. Unfortunately, these ticks can carry all kinds of other dangerous diseases, including Southern tick-associated rash illness (or STARI) and also tularemia.
Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to keep ticks out of your home, especially if you have pets. We suggest having your pets treated for ticks by a veterinarian and also utilizing wildlife prevention methods around the yard. Even if you do so, however, you can still incur a tick infestation that will endanger your home and family. That’s why partnering with the professionals at Mosquito Busters is the best way to keep your yard tick-free. Call today to schedule an inspection with one of our tick control experts.
How To Spot A Black Legged Deer Tick In Seabrook, NH

The black legged deer tick is one of the most invasive tick species in the Seabrook area. They are typically very small, about the size of a pinky fingernail including the legs. With black legs and mostly black bodies, these ticks also feature an orange/brown rear.
These dangerous parasites will latch onto your skin in order to feed on your blood in areas of high circulation, so you should check yourself regularly after outdoor activities on areas such as your scalp, armpits, and other such areas. They will enter your home after latching onto your pets, or they will latch onto your feet and legs as you walk through tall grass and wooded areas.
Unfortunately, these pests are very hard to control in your yard without professional treatments, and they are a severe threat to the health of your pets and family. Transmitting dangerous diseases, ticks are some of the most harmful parasites in the Seabrook area. Don’t wait around for the danger to threaten your family. Give us a call at the first sign of tick problems to schedule an inspection with one of our residential pest control experts.
Mosquito Control: Helpful Tips For Homeowners In Seabrook

In a place like Seabrook, the mosquitoes are particularly invasive. Unfortunately, when mosquitoes invade your yard, they can transmit dangerous diseases that will put you and your family at risk. The common mosquito species in the Seabrook area will transmit illnesses such as the Zika virus, West Nile virus, yellow fever, and many others.
Your first line of defense against mosquito problems is pouring out the standing water in your items around the yard. Anything over a half-inch deep could be the perfect location for a mosquito colony to hatch its larvae. These items include wheelbarrows, flower pots, birdbaths, and fountains, especially after a rainstorm.
Unfortunately, if the mosquitoes hatch the larvae before the water is poured out, simply pouring the water out will not break the breeding cycle. That’s why our recommendation is to have the water professionally treated by a Mosquito Busters expert. With professional-grade larvicide and eco-friendly treatments, we can reduce mosquito attraction to your yard and break any existing breeding cycles. That’s how we provide comprehensive coverage that keeps everything that matters most to you safe. Give us a call today to schedule an inspection with one of our mosquito control express.