The Real Problem That Skunks Bring To Your Merrimac Property

Stench. That’s the word that comes to mind when thinking about skunks. The smell that these animals emit comes from a gland under their tails that produces what is called skunk musk. This allows them to shoot this liquid up to 10 feet, and the scent is downright awful. It’s also resistant to removal and can take a lot of effort to wash off. However, the gross skunk smell isn’t the only issue that these wildlife pests can bring to your Merrimac property.
Are Skunks Rodents?
Skunks aren’t rodents, as many people assume, but are more closely related to weasels and polecats. They can grow to be about 15-30 inches long, and they have short legs and claws that allow them to dig for food. They are usually black with white markings down their backs.While skunks might not be rodents, they can still be dangerous to have around, so knowing how to deter them from living around your property is key.
What Are The Dangers Of Skunks?
Most wild animals aren’t necessarily aggressive, but they aren’t approachable either. They will defend themselves if they feel threatened or cornered. While they tend to run away first, it’s not a good idea to approach them.
For skunks, their first line of defense is to spray you. Most of the time, this is just an issue because of the intense odor of the spray, but there are rare cases where this spray can cause fatalities. This is due to allergic reactions to the spray. Less severe allergic reactions are more common to occur.
Along with this risk, skunks can also transmit rabies as well as other diseases like salmonella and distemper. They will often bring along parasites such as ticks and fleas, too.
Lastly, while not so much a health risk, skunks can ruin plants and gardens as they eat bugs, fruits, vegetables, and more. It can be frustrating to fix these messes, and the holes they create in the ground can be tripping hazards.
Seven Skunk Prevention Measures
The best way to go about deterring skunks is to reduce or remove the things around your property that attract them. Many of these measures will also prevent other wildlife, so they are good overall steps in pest prevention.
Here are the top seven tips for skunk prevention:
- Get lids that fit tightly on all garbage cans. This can deter skunks as well as raccoons and rodents.
- Keep any pet food stored inside of the house and remove access to bird feeders.
- Underlying pest problems can attract skunks, so seek professional pest assistance for any ongoing issues.
- Remove wood and rock piles from around the yard as these are prime areas for skunks to make their dens.
- Fill up holes under decks and install a lattice to keep skunks from getting into these areas.
- Seal up holes around the walls and foundation to deter skunks from actually getting inside of your home or business.
- Remove organic debris like dead fruits and vegetables and leaf piles.
More Help With Skunks Problems
If you already have skunks hanging around your Merrimac property, you don’t want to deal with them. This can be dangerous and intensely smelly, as they are most likely to spray or bite when you are trying to remove them.
Instead, give the pest experts at Freedom Pest Control a call. We can remove skunks and other wildlife problems from around your home or business, and we will work with you to deter them from coming back in the future.